I have not written anything for so long but something happened that made me think. Inspired me, and I realized that it's worth sharing. So, here it is, the phenomenon of miracles. Some believe in it and some don't. I had only heard of it but never experienced it, until yesterday. So what is a miracle? I cannot define it yet I can tell you that if you can find your own short comings, that is a miracle. If you do not channelize your anger onto someone else but let go of it, then that is a miracle. To be a better person today than what you were yesterday, that is a miracle. If you can successfully fight your demons, that is a miracle. Perfection is not a miracle. It is plastic. Imperfection in its best form, when accepted, is a miracle. I mostly pray to God for only one thing and that is, that he must save me from becoming the kind of person I cannot look up to and keep me as He has designed. Do not let the unkind, ignorant or the arrogant influence and forge the soul He has ma...
Everyday has a new beginning. The day which passed had something to teach and the new day has something to give. This world always inspires so, just trying to keep getting inspired. Trying to finish something which was incomplete only to find completeness.