To start
with, career, ambition, job, promotion, salary hike and high position in any organization,
are the requirements of life that take the priority seats and everything else
has to travel third class. The competition, from scoring high marks in schools,
colleges, to having a successful career, great paying job and high position in
a company, is never ending. One never has enough of anything. We always want
more. Sometimes want what others have. Sometimes want to build something of our
own. And often end up dissatisfied with ourselves, our own hard work, and doubt
our own potential.
Who and
what to blame? The world only recognizes the competitors and achievers. All the
others can live in misery and without an identity. So, where is all this
competition taking us? To best positions, to best jobs, to best pay scales or
most desirable careers? Actually, mostly to a psychiatrist’s chamber or even
hospitals. No, not joking or being a pessimist. It is so common these days that
young professionals are rushing into a psychiatrist’s chamber because they are
over stressed, over worked, depressed at work place or discontent with their
career. And it’s not just limited to the work life, their personal and family
life is equally disoriented. The entire gold rush of ambition is exhausting the
young professionals too soon. By the age of 35, most of them are already
diagnosed with anxiety, stress and depression due to the demanding professional
life. It’s not a bad idea to work hard and even harder to achieve what you
want, but in the long run you’re also losing the mental and physical health.
Ambitions and goals all boil down to basic demands of having a better life,
finance and facilities. What can be the value of all these, if we are in a
miserable state of mind, stressed out and tired by the
age of 40!
It is
always good to just pause for a little a while. Breathe. Spend some time
thinking about childhood days; enjoy an ice cream without worrying about the
office work of next day. Be around people who can make you forget what happened
in that board meeting today. It’s not very wise to wait till you get completely
exhausted, to take a break and relax. We never really have enough of anything,
so ambition will always be a most demanding mate. But getting yourself out of
the whole stress business before you are literally prescribed to do so, can do
wonders for your mind and life. Don’t wait for the doctor to prescribe you a
holiday or time out. Because, you only live once. Live before you wear yourself
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