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Humane Composition Factor

For quite some time, this question has been bothering me: “What are we made of?”.
In a world, which is rapidly running out of basic human emotions and expressions, isn’t this, the most obvious question!

Some may answer, “scientifically speaking, we are made of flesh and bones; or morally speaking, we are made of our values.” While, some others may say, “we are made of our social surroundings.”

But are we really made of all these things and more, or is there a very basic element that links us to one another? I mean, my elder sister and I share the same zodiac sign yet we do not have anything that can be even remotely similar. We should share some zodiac traits because aren’t people of the same sun sign supposed to? Our only link is the bloodline.

Yet, my question is not about a link or connection through zodiacs, bloodlines, races, classes, regions, and least of all, religions.

There is something, which is much nobler and much greater than all of the above and it might be one of the basic elements of our being: empathy. Even so, we are successfully failing to feel love, pain, sorrow, compassion, and respect for everyone else.

We have developed a way to ignore empathy by expressing the most unreal emotions out of certain impressions. Often forgetting that, kindness can never yield a bitter result. But we are repeatedly failing to practice empathy and kindness. And when it comes to being empathetic, it is far from achievable these days.

Strangely, if we stop for a moment and observe, we may notice that the otherwise superior life form of humans has been defeated by the lesser ones, in the case of empathy. One may ask, “HOW?”

Ever seen a bird sing a happy song and celebrate the death of another bird? Ever seen a dog, jump with joy over the death of a fellow dog; which might have annoyingly barked at him, every time they saw each other?

Then, there’s us. We never fall short of finding joy in the miseries of our colleagues, friends, relatives, neighbours, classmates, citizens, and even strangers.

An attempt to pull someone up is so much better than, either enjoying their fall, from a distance, like a person infected with such a wicked cold that it froze their heart; or being the very reason for their fall.

We all are blessed with the same end. Death. And all of us will finally become dirt. But, that’s the end of the story. What have we thought about the parts that come in between birth and death? Are we writing our stories well?

Once again, let’s agree that none of us can claim that, “I will become a more glorious dirt than you.” Right!? So, now it’s up to us to decide what becomes of us before we become dirt.

I believe, my time has come to make sure that, I do not turn into dirt before I turn into dirt.
It is important to have each other’s back, to offer a shoulder to cry on, to lend a hand or an ear, and to be able to feel the simplest of human emotions that we are steadily running out of.

The territories, the boundaries, the colours of skins, the net worth, the rat race, the influential ideologies & opinions, and the desperate attempts to stand out and stand on top, have only made this overpopulated planet, a very lonely place.

So, if I go back to my question, What are we made of?

The answer, depending on our current situation will be very shameful. But we can still put conscious efforts into changing that.


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