To start with, career, ambition, job, promotion, salary hike and high position in any organization, are the requirements of life that take the priority seats and everything else has to travel third class. The competition, from scoring high marks in schools, colleges, to having a successful career, great paying job and high position in a company, is never ending. One never has enough of anything. We always want more. Sometimes want what others have. Sometimes want to build something of our own. And often end up dissatisfied with ourselves, our own hard work, and doubt our own potential. Who and what to blame? The world only recognizes the competitors and achievers. All the others can live in misery and without an identity. So, where is all this competition taking us? To best positions, to best jobs, to best pay scales or most desirable careers? Actually, mostly to a psychiatrist’s chamber or even hospitals. No, not joking or being a pessimist. It is so common these days that young p...
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