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ये जो माँ होती है

ये जो माँ होती है, अपने दिन-रात खोती है । बच्चों के आँसू पोंछ कर, खुद चुप-चाप रोती है । चलती है धुप में, हमें छाओं देती है । ये जो माँ होती है, सब चुप-चाप सेहती है । चूल्हे की आंच में, रोटियों के साथ तपती है । खिला कर पेट भर हमें, खुद भूखी सोती है । ये जो माँ होती है, सब चुप-चाप सेहती है । सब की खुशियों के लिए, अपने सुख भूलती है । सारे दुःख भुला कर, मुस्कुराना सीखती है । शब्दों में समझाना मुश्किल है, ये क्या होती है? ये जो माँ होती है, अपने बच्चों का आसमान होती है ।

उड़ चला बचपन उसका

श्रम के बंधन को तोड़ चला , उड़ चला बचपन उसका | जूठे प्लेटों को तोड़ चला , चुलबुला बचपन उसका | माँ के आँचल से निकल कर , दूर चला , दूर चला बचपन उसका | पतले पतले पैरों पे , टूटी - फटी चप्पल पहने , मुँह मोड़ चला , मुँह मोड़ चला बचपन उसका | पुराने फटे कपड़ो में , पेट में भूख की गर्जन लिए , आँखें मूंदे सो रहा , सो रहा बचपन उसका | अब कोई चिंता नहीं , मालिक की दुकान पर , कल वो न जायेगा , ना मारेगा उसे कोई , ना हसी कोई उड़ाएगा , जीवन की कठोरता , वो और नहीं सेह पायेगा | आज जो सो गया है वो , कोई न उठा पायेगा | छोड़ चला , सब छोड़ चला , सब छोड़ चला बचपन में ही , अब जो पंख लगे हैं उसके , नीले आकाश में उड़ता जायेगा |


I have not written anything for so long but something happened that made me think. Inspired me, and I realized that it's worth sharing. So, here it is, the phenomenon of miracles. Some believe in it and some don't. I had only heard of it but never experienced it, until yesterday. So what is a miracle? I cannot define it yet I can tell you that if you can find your own short comings, that is a miracle. If you do not channelize your anger onto someone else but let go of it, then that is a miracle. To be a better person today than what you were yesterday, that is a miracle. If you can successfully fight your demons, that is a miracle. Perfection is not a miracle. It is plastic. Imperfection in its best form, when accepted, is a miracle. I mostly pray to God for only one thing and that is, that he must save me from becoming the kind of person I cannot look up to and keep me as He has designed. Do not let the unkind, ignorant or the arrogant influence and forge the soul He has ma...

Ambition’s Long Race

To start with, career, ambition, job, promotion, salary hike and high position in any organization, are the requirements of life that take the priority seats and everything else has to travel third class. The competition, from scoring high marks in schools, colleges, to having a successful career, great paying job and high position in a company, is never ending. One never has enough of anything. We always want more. Sometimes want what others have. Sometimes want to build something of our own. And often end up dissatisfied with ourselves, our own hard work, and doubt our own potential. Who and what to blame? The world only recognizes the competitors and achievers. All the others can live in misery and without an identity. So, where is all this competition taking us? To best positions, to best jobs, to best pay scales or most desirable careers? Actually, mostly to a psychiatrist’s chamber or even hospitals. No, not joking or being a pessimist. It is so common these days that young p...

To Pee Or Not To Pee

If the heading seems awkward, think how it actually came into a writer’s mind! Well it’s not a big or as strange a story as it may appear. If you are an Indian you wouldn’t fail to notice how our open flowing drains and dark corners of any pathway has been a toilet for men in urge, throughout the decades. Or, let’s say since one can remember. Quite a spectacular view it makes under broad day light, men happily relieving themselves wherever they feel like. May not be so spectacular, because we are used to it! Think about the visitors. Tourists. Now, does it seem awkward? Well, it should. Since we are all used to the phenomenal practice of men peeing wherever they feel like, it doesn’t mean we have to live with it till the end of time. But the public toilets that are built around our cities, let’s come down to Kolkata itself, are pay and use. While some are free, maybe that’s the reason the stench reaches you a mile before you cross it. They are still unable to cure the male urinary ...

Shadows of Night

In the dark shadows of night. There is always a dim light. Pushing farther and farther when times get harder. Keeping faith, things would fall in order. You always told me; It's a temporary disorder. It was a mess. But I have to confess. Things were chaotic. Yet, felt so exotic. You inspired to push a little more. When the winds blew hard and tore. Times will never be as before. And I have to say so much more. When I was cold, had no one to hold, I remembered all that you told; 'Keep learning, even as you lose. Giving up, is an option you should never choose.' You gave my thoughts; A steady flight. In the dark shadows of night. It was YOU, the guiding light.

The Hunting Hounds

It’s been days since I hid in this remote village. It will be very difficult for them to find me here. The hills surround this village from all directions; people here seldom have any visitors from outside. By that I mean, the last to come was an old man, returning to his birthplace and that was 6 years ago. Natives of this village are friendly and content. This population does not dream of wandering off to bigger cities or towns, they like it here. I cannot tell you the exact location but that’s only to my advantage. Today, the weather reminds me of that dreaded day, when I was being chased by those flesh-hungry dogs. I couldn’t remember who sent them but they were definitely hunting me. They were huge hunters. I have never seen any such before with big and sharp teeth that were ready to dig into my flesh and break my bones into pieces. Their loud bark still wakes me up at night. Salivating, chasing me, and locating me in all my hideouts by following my scent. I am unable to forget...